How to Find DVLA Reference Number

In modern speedy-paced virtual global, where statistics is only a click on away, finding your DVLA reference number have to be a breeze. Whether you want it for a automobile-related transaction or some other reputable purpose, we’ve were given you included. In this complete manual, we will stroll you via the steps to find your DVLA reference variety effects.

What Is a DVLA Reference Number?

DVLA Reference Number

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of finding your DVLA reference number, let’s first apprehend what it’s far and why it is critical. Your DVLA reference variety is a completely unique identifier assigned to you by using the DVLA. It’s important for various administrative obligations associated with your vehicle, along with taxing your vehicle, renewing your using license, or getting access to unique DVLA on line offerings.

Steps in Finding DVLA Reference Number

DVLA Reference Number

Step 1: Check Your Vehicle Registration Certificate

One of the maximum not unusual places to find your DVLA reference variety is in your Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C). This authentic document, often known as the “logbook,” contains essential statistics about your automobile, together with your reference wide variety. Here’s a way to locate it:

Locate the V5C Document: Your V5C file ought to had been provided to you whilst you got the car. It’s generally sent to the registered keeper’s address.

Look for the Reference Number: On the the front web page of the V5C report, you will find the DVLA reference range. It’s usually in a outstanding role and is virtually categorized.

Step 2: Check Your Driving License

If you can not find your DVLA reference quantity on your Vehicle Registration Certificate, do not worry; there are other places to look. Your riding license is another essential document where you might discover this essential number:

Check Your Photocard Driving License: If you have a photocard riding license, your DVLA reference variety can be located on the back of the cardboard, close to the lowest. It’s commonly classified as “Driver Number.”

Paper Driving License: If you continue to have a paper using license, the DVLA reference wide variety may be discovered at the front of the record, near the pinnacle.

Step three: Online DVLA Services

In this virtual age, the DVLA offers severa online offerings to make your existence easier. You can get right of entry to your DVLA reference number via their reliable internet site. Here’s how:

Visit the DVLA Website: Go to the DVLA’s reliable internet site.


Create or Log into Your Account: If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. If you have already got an account, in reality log in.

Access Your DVLA Reference Number: Once you are logged in, you can get right of entry to your DVLA reference number, in conjunction with more than a few other useful offerings related to your vehicle and riding license.

Step 4: Contact DVLA Customer Support

If all else fails, and you are unable to locate your DVLA reference variety the usage of the techniques stated above, do not hesitate to attain out to DVLA customer support for assistance. They have a dedicated crew of professionals geared up that will help you with any DVLA-associated queries.

Contact DVLA Customer Support: You can touch the DVLA customer support group through smartphone or email. Their touch facts can be located on their legit website.


Your DVLA reference range is a important piece of data for numerous automobile and riding-related obligations. Whether you discover it in your Vehicle Registration Certificate, driving license, or via the DVLA’s on-line services, it’s crucial to hold it handy. By following the steps mentioned on this manual, you ought to haven’t any hassle locating your DVLA reference wide variety and making sure that your administrative responsibilities move smoothly.



1. Why do I need to find my DVLA reference number?

Answer: Your DVLA reference number is essential for various administrative tasks related to your vehicle and driving license, such as taxing your vehicle or accessing DVLA online services. It ensures a smooth and hassle-free process for these activities.

2. What if I can’t locate my DVLA reference number on my Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C)?

Answer: If you can’t find your DVLA reference number on your V5C, you can also check your driving license, use online DVLA services, or contact DVLA customer support for assistance.

3. How can I access my DVLA reference number through the DVLA website?

Answer: To access your DVLA reference number online, visit the official DVLA website (www.Gov.Uk/government/organisations/driver-and-vehicle-licensing-agency), create or log into your account, and navigate to the relevant section where your DVLA reference number is provided along with other services related to your vehicle and driving license.

4. Is my DVLA reference number the same as my vehicle’s registration number?

Answer: No, your DVLA reference number is not the same as your vehicle’s registration number. The DVLA reference number is a unique identifier assigned to you for administrative purposes, while your vehicle’s registration number is specific to your vehicle and is displayed on your number plate.

5. What should I do if I still can’t find my DVLA reference number after trying all the suggested methods?

Answer: If you have exhausted all the methods mentioned in the article and still cannot find your DVLA reference number, it’s advisable to contact DVLA customer support. They have a dedicated team to assist with DVLA-related queries and can provide further guidance on locating your reference number. Their contact information can be found on the official DVLA website.

These FAQs address common questions that individuals may have about finding their DVLA reference numbers, providing clear and helpful answers to guide them through the process.

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